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Discover the Secrets of the Universe with Vyom Astro

  • Vyom Astro: Illuminating Your Path with Ancient Wisdom and Modern Insight
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About Vyom Astro

Empowering you to live a life aligned with the universe

Begin your journey of self-discovery and transformation with Vyom Astro. We seamlessly blend the timeless wisdom of astrology, the science of graphology, the ancient art of Vastu, and transformative spiritual coaching to offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to unlock your true potential. Our mission is to guide you through the complexities of life, providing clarity and insight at every turn. With a perfect fusion of ancient knowledge and modern perspectives, Vyom Astro is here to help you navigate your life's path with confidence and wisdom. Here's how we can assist you on your journey.


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our services


Astrology Services

Unveil Your Soul's Blueprint: Delve deep into your strengths, challenges, and life's purpose. Personalized Insights: Understand what the stars say about you

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Graphology Services

Uncover Your Personality: Discover the unique traits revealed in your handwriting. Enhance Your Life: Use these insights to improve both personal and professional aspects

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Vastu Services

Balanced Living Spaces: Optimize your home or workspace for positive energy flow. Personalized Recommendations: Tailor-made solutions to enhance harmony and prosperity

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Life and Spiritual Coaching

Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence: Cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself. Professional and Personal Enhancement: Apply these insights to all areas of your life.

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Why Choose Us

With years of dedicated study and practice, Vyom brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to every consultation. His deep understanding of Vedic astrology ensures accurate and insightful readings.

Holistic Integration

Flexible Scheduling

Accessible Services

Compassionate Communication

Interactive Sessions

Follow-Up Care

Empowerment Focus

Life Stage Support

Multidisciplinary Approach

Let the stars illuminate your path, and our coaching guide you to a fulfilled and enlightened life.

Rahu Enters Cancer and Ketu Enters Capricorn.


Sadipscing elitr, vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Nam cursus imperdiet elit. Fusce sollicitudin eget nulla in condime. We pride ourselves on offering exceptional customer experiences for every client that walks through our doors.

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price packages

For 20 minutes

₹ 2100

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For 40 minutes

₹ 3200

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For 60 minutes

₹ 4100

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Vastu Astrology

₹ 9,001

  • Vastu Astrology Services Per Session

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Life & Spiritual

₹ 2100

  • Life & Spiritual for 60 minutes

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Signature analysis

₹ 5000

  •  Signature analysis for 30 minutes

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Daily Planetary Overview

Holistic Integration

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